African Caribbean Pacific 2016
Plenary with the meeting in Progress.
A view of the Plenary, prior to the start of the day. Showing the Microphones and receivers neatly laid out.
Interpreters at the Press Conference
Plenary with the meeting in Progress.
African Caribbean Pacific Heads of State & Government (8th Summit)
30, 31 May, 1 June 2016
International Conference Centre, PNG (Papua New Guinea)
4 Booths (Equipping each of the 4 booths with 3 x Interpreter desks and monitors for close up shots of speakers)
80 NG Conference Microphones
1100 Receivers and Headphones
"I had hoped to drop you a line since the conclusion of the meeting in PNG but have been unable to do so because I have been simply moving from one mission to another. Anyway, I wanted to really thank you most sincerely for all the help and encouragement during the planning stage and the actual summit. I really appreciated that.
Your 3-man team (Liam, Campbell and Daniel) were truly wonderful! They were pleasant, patient and cooperative, really worked hard and made sure they planned ahead for all eventualities. It was truly a pleasure working with them and you. Please convey my gratitude and give them all my regards.
Best wishes for continued success! Until we meet again!
Angela Mitchell, Head of Conference Services, ACP Secretariat