Conference Microphone Video Integration Solutions
Singapore's Best Conference Microphone Video Integration Solutions
Our conference microphones can be integrated with our Bosch dome camera system or the PTZ Panasonic cameras to create an automated video system. When the microphone is turned on, the camera automatically rotates to the microphone that is on and the captured video is displayed to screen. This is ideal for large meetings where you cannot directly see all participants or if there is remote viewing of the meeting.
Clients from around the world love our automatic moving camera solutions
Conference Microphone Video Integrations for any style of Meeting or Event
Automatic Camera Integrations are perfect for large venues with a great number of speakers. Video captured by our broadcast quality cameras can be projected in real time to screens around the room so that each delegate can get a clear view of the active speaker.
Hybrid / Virtual
Create a more engaging and interactive hybrid / virtual meeting or event experience for your online delegates. Our automatic cameras integrated with desktop microphones can rotate to display a head and shoulders view of the active speaker to online participants.
Interpretation Integrations
If your venue is too small to accommodate interpretation booths, our automatic cameras are the perfect way to deliver high-quality vision of speakers to interpreters working from a different room or offsite to ensure the quality of interpretation performed.